Month: November 2010

  • Worship Styles, How do we feed the Sheep?

    Being a student at an all-party college (that’s not a college where all we do is party, but rather a Training Seminary, where all traditions (Catholic/Evangelical, etc) train side-by-side) has it’s advantages and disadvantages. When I first arrived I thought that the chance to experience worship in many different forms would better allow me to…

  • Openbox on Fedora Configuration How-To

    To continue the search for a pretty desktop, I have recently spent some time looking for themes for those lesser-used desktops that actually require some configuration from the user. My first thought was to try FVWM2, having seen the pretty screen shots from FVWM-Crystal. Unfortunately, it doesn’t come natively on Fedora, and having tried a…

  • Ugly Duckling – 18 Only!

    So, for those regular reading of the blog, will know that I’ve been writing a Novel. I’ve just written an article that I think is perhaps a little close to the line, and as such I’ve password-protected it. If you are OVER 18 and want to read the post, the password is Iam18, if your…

  • Protected: Ugly Duckling

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • Could you be an anonymous Muslim?

    During the Christianity and Interfaith Dialogue Module that I’m following as part of my course, we are studying Karl Rahner’s idea of being an “unnamed Christian”. This phrase is more commonly though of as the “Anonymous Christian”. This is the notion that so long as you are worshipping God as best you can in your…

  • Exploring my Religion and my Post-Modern World View

    In the modern world, belief has become something of a joke. People either think that you are, in some way, in capable of rational thought, or that you are incapable of seeing why it is your belief doesn’t match the modern world. It’s a tough place to be in. The Post-Modernist View of the world…