Category: Reflection level 1

  • The Quiet Day

    Today, being Ash Wednesday, has been designated a Quiet Day at St. Micheals College, Llandaf. A lot of people are wandering about, sitting together in silence, quietly reading. What do you think that I’m doing? Nothing that remotely relates to religion. I’ve spent the morning installing Fedora 10 onto my new Laptop after Vista annoyed…

  • God and Suffering.

    I’ve been reading, as is my want, Alistair McGrath’s Introduction to Christian Theology. While reading up on History, I’ve found a small idea from Origen that peaked my interest. Origen sets up the idea of a dialog between two ideas of God, that which could have been, and that which is now. It is this…

  • I share communion, but not the peace with you

    It’s strange how pastoral situations sneak up on you. For those that don’t know what a pastoral situation is, it’s a preistly buzz word for a situation in the community that you can answer in some way, hopefully with the Good News of the Gospel. Or in other words, a situation in the community that…

  • Where’s the Mystery?

    The strange thing about Christianity is that as members of the religion we are called to be rational about our faith. We are meant to be able to say what kind of a world that Jesus lived in, to have some idea of the text and context of the Bible, and to be aware that…

  • Do we need priest?

    Background:. While listening on a sermon based on the reading from 1 Peter 2:1-12, the Vicar told us that we didn’t really need vicars, because we are all called to be members of the Holy Preisthood. He also went on to say that Baptists have a better graps of this than anyone. This annoyed me,…