Tag: Anglican

  • This Anglican is for Marriage Equality

    Following the CofE Bishop’s Response to the matter of single-sex marriage, I was a little… irritated. For many, both members of the Church, and non-members, they find it difficult to see how the fact that there are provisions in law is not the same as equality. This is no-more obvious than when it’s seen in…

  • Send Me To Lesotho!

    Hello Friends, Romans, Netizens! I have come not to praise Black Xanthus, but to ask politely for your money! I have been accepted by USPG to go to Lesotho on Mission. This will be a wonderful way to expand my horizons (which is probably why USPG call it the Expanding Horizons Program), but it’s very…

  • Why is the Church Obsessd with Sex?

    Recently, I’ve been debating with a few people I know, the issues of Sex and the Church. It appears that the Church seems to mask “sex” in the lofty idea of “morality”. It appears, at least on a cursory glance at relevant press releases. It all seems to revolve around precisely what the point of…

  • Hamlet and Protestantism

    First, let me say that the Royal Shakespear Company’s recent version of Hamlet with Captain Picard(Patrick Stewart) and Doctor Who(David Tennant) is awesome. However, now that I’ve started being a God botherer, I started noticing some odd things about it. I started noticing the religious tone. Nothing unusuall there, because at the time, God was…

  • Is it worth going through all of the training to become an anglican priest?

    When checking out my statistics page to see if my blog was getting anything like popular, I discovered that this question had been asked somewhere out in the googlesphere, and had some-how come to my blog. I don’t know if the person that typed this question found an answer out there, but I know that…