Tag: Christian

  • Sermons

    Okay, so perhaps I should have uploaded these individual, but I haven’t. Mostly because this blog has begun to fall a little out of use since the invention of Google+. That and the entire getting used to being a Deacon. I should also note that I’ve not spell-checked them, as I’m dyslexic, it’s much easier…

  • Ancient Possibly Christian Books Found In Jordan

    70 metal bound books have been found in a cave in Jordan by a Bedouin. These books appear to date to the first century, and may be the oldest collection of texts in existence. Written on lead leaves, no bigger than credit-cards, these 70 books could reveal a wealth of information about 1st Century Christianity,…

  • Justified by Faith

    The theme Justified by Faith has been very much on my mind recently, with it coming to the fore as I re-read Romans in the context of a Biblical Studies class on the book. Part of the class was to use E.P. Saunder’s approach to Romans to rediscover a more authentic reading of Romans that…

  • The Carpathian Conundrum

    The BBC has recently launched a new Science Fiction series called Outcasts. It starts 5 years after a colonisation expedition has arrived on a new planet that has been called Carpathia, after the ship that showed up to rescue the survivors of the Titanic. Carpathia only has one major town, called Forthaven. The society is…

  • Prophetic Voices from Renewed Ancient Traditions

    I was at a lecture today at the Baptist College of South Wales in Cardiff, curteusy of my training. The interesting thing that came to light (amongst the learning about the Celtic Tradition (which I’m very interested in), the Anabaptists, and the New Monastic Movement), was this idea that prophetic voices have not been lost…

  • Paul Tillich and Intellectual Criticism

    I enjoy spending time debating; though you could have worked that out from the numerous posts on the subject on this blog. During one of these debates in an attempt to defend the Religious point of view, I made the standard appeal to experience. It was pointed out to me that the experience is often…

  • Why is the Church Obsessd with Sex?

    Recently, I’ve been debating with a few people I know, the issues of Sex and the Church. It appears that the Church seems to mask “sex” in the lofty idea of “morality”. It appears, at least on a cursory glance at relevant press releases. It all seems to revolve around precisely what the point of…

  • Hamlet and Protestantism

    First, let me say that the Royal Shakespear Company’s recent version of Hamlet with Captain Picard(Patrick Stewart) and Doctor Who(David Tennant) is awesome. However, now that I’ve started being a God botherer, I started noticing some odd things about it. I started noticing the religious tone. Nothing unusuall there, because at the time, God was…

  • West Bro Baptists get a taste of their own

    I found an article where a community in Seattle faces down the mad, biggoted West Bro Baptists, run by the Phelps’. This family believes that God is punishing the world for it’s acceptance of Homosexuals, they even decided to write an open letter to the family of Heath Ledger asking them where the funeral was…

  • Goddess Rita, and the minor God, Olly

    I was Stumbling around the internet, as is my want, when I really should have been doing other things, and I came accross a wonderful article about someone who’s trying to create a minor god called Olly. It was the kind of article with such a random opening that I found myself reading it. There…

  • God and Suffering.

    I’ve been reading, as is my want, Alistair McGrath’s Introduction to Christian Theology. While reading up on History, I’ve found a small idea from Origen that peaked my interest. Origen sets up the idea of a dialog between two ideas of God, that which could have been, and that which is now. It is this…

  • Where’s the Mystery?

    The strange thing about Christianity is that as members of the religion we are called to be rational about our faith. We are meant to be able to say what kind of a world that Jesus lived in, to have some idea of the text and context of the Bible, and to be aware that…

  • Christian Course Credits Worth Nothing

    It appears that the University of California can ignore the credits of some Christian courses that students are presenting with. Like most countries, the USA has a scoring system. The better you do in your exams, the more points you have to get into University. The University of California has managed to win the constitutional…

  • Life of Brian “Pokes Fun At Christians”

    No, it’s not 1979. No, I’m not being amazed at how this film was once picketed by Christian Lobby Groups as poking fun at Jesus Christ. I’m being amazed that rev. Canon Stuart Bell thinks that it should remain banned in the small sea-side university town of Aberystwyth. This all started when it was realised…

  • The Lambeth Conference

    As most of you are aware, something called the “Lambeth Conference” is being held this year. This is a conference of invited Bishops that happens every 10 years. It is a place for Bishops all over the wold to meet and discuss different issues that affect everyone in the Anglican Communion. Originally they met at…