Tag: Shakespear

  • Gove Removing “Of Mice and Men” from the curriculem

    So Gove is removing “Of Mice and Men” from the curriculum, and I’d like to say “About Time”. Now, before you all start throwing things, let me explain why. “Of Mice and Men”, by Steinbeck is brilliant. It’s amazing. The In-Depth study I did of it when I was school placed a love of this…

  • Hamlet and Protestantism

    First, let me say that the Royal Shakespear Company’s recent version of Hamlet with Captain Picard(Patrick Stewart) and Doctor Who(David Tennant) is awesome. However, now that I’ve started being a God botherer, I started noticing some odd things about it. I started noticing the religious tone. Nothing unusuall there, because at the time, God was…