Survival Craft : Tips and Tricks

What Is Survival Craft?

To say that Survival Craft is a Minecraft clone is close, but not entirely accurate. Klauus, the creator, felt that Minecraft wasn’t simply deadly enough. Survival Craft, then, is a game that looks, and in some way feels, like Minecraft (but with better graphics), and allows you to do some of the same things. The difference is that Survival Craft, at it’s heart, is much more deadly. Bulls, cows, packs of wolves, and even the occasional werewolf prowl around at night, meaning that a shelter of some kind isn’t just nice, it’s essential.

The game was also designed to run on mobile devices, such as tablets, and other hand-helds, including the new Kindle Fire. This means that, unlike Minecraft, it is very far advanced along the development path for handhelds, and is designed specifically for them. This makes it a better game for these devices than the current Minecraft offering, which is a little behind the desktop version of Minecraft in features.

Survival Craft is also cheaper than Minecraft. If it matters.

The game is still in heavy development, and with (almost) every release something new is added to the list of dangers and joys. It is a game that may have started as a simple minecraft clone, but has gone way beyond it.

The Map, And Exploration.

Survival Craft’s map is infinite. It goes on forever. This means that it is incredibly easy to get lost – an incredible annoyance when you have spent time creating a large structure for your home, and now need to wander further afield for the scarce resources.

In order to find your way home, a system of markers will be necessary. As the game will send you back to the last place you slept when you died, this could mean loosing all your stuff if you can’t get back to where you were.

The simplest form of markers are 3 block tall towers, with the top block being sand. The reason for choosing sand, of course, is that it is much easier to see at a distance against other backgrounds (like dirt, or snow). Sand is also a fairly abundant resource, which means that you’re not wasting valuable resources (such as torches) in marking your path.

These should be placed within easy sight of each other.

Your Home

This can be pretty much anywhere, but it seems that the best place to build one is outside on some fertile land. This is land where the grass is a deep green, not a washed-out green. The reason for this is that you can then surround your house with plains of lush grass, and then use these to plant trees.

Wood, while in near-abundance, doesn’t really grow back on it’s own. You will need to make sapling out out of the leaves of trees already growing in the area, (by crafting the leaves), and planting trees. You will need to destroy all the blocks (including the leaves) for another tree to grow. Don’t just plant one sapling, but many, some of them will simply wither and die.

Lions, and Wolfs And Bears, Oh My!

Pretty much everything in the game wants to kill you. Pretty much every animal in the game can be eaten by you. Food is one of the quickest ways to regenerate health. Animals, however, tend to attack in groups (with the exception of bears, which are often solitary creatures, but they can cause other animals to attack you).

Animals, when they begin to attack at night, attract other animals of a likeร‚ย sort to attack you. You can then quickly find yourself being chased across the plain by bears, wolfs and bulls, with more joining in. This is not a fun place to be. It is the reason not to head out at night.

You can carry various tools to help kill an animal. All tools will do some damage, but there are some which are designed for the job, like the machete, the spear, or the axe. Try to always carry one, and have it in your quick equip slot.


You will quickly learn that water is the bane of your life when you find it underground. It can turn a nice cavern into a death-trap with an accidental mining of a block. Putting things back the way they were is even more problematic. It can be done by the addition of many blocks, but the best thing is to avoid disturbing the water if at all possible.

Let There Be Light

Exploring caves gets dark. You will need some form of light. You can make torches relatively simply from a stick and some coal. The problem is that coal can be difficult to find, as it’s inside caves. In order to give yourself some light to start your exploration, you can burn some wood in a furnace, which will produce coal. This will allow you to go hunting for more coal.






93 responses to “Survival Craft : Tips and Tricks”

  1. Stephanie Avatar

    Hey, i heard that you can make teleporters with presure plates but i dont know how if you know please help me!!!

    1. Skwarka Avatar

      Its not, that was a lie

    2. laci Avatar

      That dosnt seem right

  2. Jeff Avatar

    Why do fires just seem to start on their own in your house? If so, how do you prevent them?

    1. angelo SURVIVOR Avatar

      If there are wood in your house, there is a possibility that it can be struck by LIGHTNING.

  3. Billy Avatar

    You cant make teleporters and if you don’t want to make your house burn down make it out of cobblestone.

    1. Jazz Avatar

      How please tell me I am so lost right now that I just want to cry because my house was so big and it took so much time to make!

      1. Hannah Avatar

        Mmm… that happened to me once but I was hopeless. I made a new one so I can’t help you there, but if you make a new one, I suggest putting a magnet in it, so if you get a compass it will lead you to your magnet, leading you to your thing / whatever you made bro.

      2. Ben Avatar

        if you are desperate, you need to cheat quit your game, modify it to creative then fly round till you spot it.
        Means you don’t have to worry about health and so on.
        try and use the 3 block towers so you don’t get lost from now on or get a magnet and compass.

        1. Lovelysimmer Avatar

          I don’t think the towers will work cuz what if u were mining a really good cave and you wanna go down a lot and there’s so many ways you’d either have to staircase or mine up in creative and I think it should be sand cuz sand I useful you can make glass I’d rather dirt specially in a desert

      3. CHATTY KAT KAT Avatar

        well then dont build a house that is to big if you dont want to build it!!!!

      4. Lovelysimmer Avatar

        That happened to me so many times ๐Ÿ™ I feel you

  4. Jamaal Avatar

    Tree houses are easy, if you make the roof stone. Any ideas of fun things to do in creative mode? This is a list of what I already have:

    Tree house
    Magma volcanoes in ocean
    Animal enclosures
    Horse riding area
    Glass room
    Spear fishing

    1. Hannah Avatar

      I’ve done very much the same thing i have the following;
      *6 story castle and battlements
      * walls surrounding said castle stand just as high (30 blocks)
      * glass aviary
      *fields of rye and pumpkins
      * enclosures of all of the animals i come across so far
      * corrals for each animal species you can ride
      *cave systems where I’ve built even more living space
      so far i enjoy this game immensely

      1. Dumb ways to die! Avatar
        Dumb ways to die!

        my friend has done all of that and more. She also built a underground city with a water park! Got any more ideas of what to build??

    2. Grace Wright Avatar
      Grace Wright

      Ho ddo u she the furnace

      1. Grace Wright Avatar
        Grace Wright

        How do u use the furnace

        1. Skylar Avatar

          just click on it pretty easy and mix the food like you would on a crafting table

        2. Russiancheetah Avatar

          You click it and drag coal into the fuel and add raw bird or bacon or something and your done

    3. Lovelysimmer Avatar

      If you’ve ever watched amylee on YouTube she has a playlist of her and her sister making a huge town that’s what I’m doing and obviously there’s no such thing as villagers I made coyotes instead my village includes mayors house garden beach pool clothes store cafe restaurant tree store hospital my house prison school bank hotel 3 extra houses church and playground and saved the best for last MY IMAGINATION

  5. Ciara Avatar

    What is the best place to sleep on survival mode because I tried to sleep but it said that I wasn’t in a comfortable enough place to sleep??รฐลธโ€™ยครฐลธโ€™ยครฐลธโ€™ยค

    1. Hi Avatar

      I haven’t been playing survival craft for long, but i have found that so far, dirt is the only type of natural block that is comfortable enough. I hope that helped!! ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. meep Avatar

        you can sleep on
        wooden planks
        wooden slabs
        and you cant sleep on the rest

      2. Hannah Avatar

        You can also sleep on wood. You can sleep on harder things if you put a layer of snow on it. But yeah dirt and sand are soft.

        1. Hannah Avatar

          Oh you already said wood planks sorry

      3. Skwarka Avatar

        Leaves work as well

      4. Mac Grace Avatar
        Mac Grace

        Wood blocks are good to sleep on because you can paint them and a shelter is required to sleep

    2. holly Avatar

      i always sleep on wood that would be the easiest i dont know any more but there you go ๐Ÿ™‚

    3. Millie Avatar

      The best place to sleep is wood

    4. megan Avatar

      Grass/dirt is the best and easiest to do but i think planks are ok too. sad thing is, there is no wool or beds.

    5. Melissa jakubin Avatar
      Melissa jakubin


    6. Cheyenne Anthony Avatar
      Cheyenne Anthony

      You should sleep on grass or if you are on creative mode you could use wood…NEVER use cement or rock it isn’t comfortable. Dont sleep next to the water or it will say “somewhere away from water” or something like that…hope I helped!

    7. Gemma Avatar

      You can sleep on soft items, and I found that if you are far from your home and its night time and have no time to get back, find a big tree and it will count that as a good shelter, comfortable place and dry, if you are in that awkward situation. Also you can sleep on anything which is soft, like dirt, and you can’t sleep on hard things, wood is the only hard one you can sleep on, like the other people said. Hope I helped ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. kenzie Avatar


    1. Helpful Person Avatar
      Helpful Person

      If you want to create an Adventure map to share, first you have to build the whole thing in Creative. Once you’re finished, switch it to Adventure mode in the ‘Modify’ area. Apply those changes then go back to the ‘Modify’ part and press upload. I am new to this game so correct me if im wrong!

    2. Lottiealden Avatar

      All you have to do is : before you click play on ur world go to modify and click upload

  7. Jimbob Avatar

    the game is awesome. to make an animal enclosure in creative mode, make a pen, make stairs that you can get into in but make it high so u cant get out then sinse on creative mode u r immortal, find a wolf, or cow or hog or bear or some attacking animal and hit it once then run to the enclosure and it will chase u into it then fly out of it and URIKA! the animal is trapped and never 2 get out also if u wanna eat, make a tiny enclosure and get an animal into it and then stab it with axe and kill it b/c it cant moce then eat I. tada! hope this advice and tips helped u! ANY NEW IDEAS?

    1. ZachShep Avatar

      I agree it is awesome they could make a magic table like an enchantment table

    2. Melissa jakubin Avatar
      Melissa jakubin

      What kind of name is jimbob??

  8. Jimbob Avatar

    GAME IS SO AWESOME & ADICTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hannah Avatar

      I Love this game!!!!! Its So adicting!!

      1. Millie Avatar

        What’s you email you sound cool

  9. meep Avatar

    jim bob are u american

    1. Marcia Avatar

      What leaves leather I can kill a cow but it doesn’t happen is it a pig that leaves leather?

      1. Mac Grace Avatar
        Mac Grace

        You can harvest leather from a bear by killing it

  10. kaalus Avatar

    hey evryone update 1.22 is nearly reddy adding last tweeks to it

  11. BlackXanthus Avatar

    It’s good to see *Survival Craft* having such a response.

    In response to a few of the questions above :

    1. Teleporters: They would be nice, but as far as I can see, there is no way to make them. You can, of course, get a horse, which allows you to charge around places. To get a horse, you need a saddle. It’s also helpful to have a whistle as well. The way the saddle works, you simply walk up to a rideable animal, and use the saddle on it. You then gain a new button in the UI for ridding. Press that, and voila! your riding!. The controls take some getting used too, but once you have the hang of it, travel around the world is much quicker.

    The whistle allows you to heard animals, like cows. With the addition of gates, the step trick is no-longer necessary. This also means you don’t have the problem of needing to chase out the wolves that have wandered in there.

    2. Where can you sleep? Well, as previous commenter have said, particularly _meep_, you can sleep on all kinds of materials. I Wouldn’t suggest sleeping out in the open, as the animals can, and will occasionally attack you. It is always a good idea to build a shelter (a simple one can be built from earth, you don’t necessarily need a door, as you can simply leave one small hole for light (ie. a hole that is 1 block off the floor, of a size of 1 block).

    3. New ideas for Survivalcraft? I tend to play survival craft in survival mode, because that’s much more challenging. It is then truly a game of survival. The problem is that you do get rather tied to a place, especially when you’ve built a large base of operations. This can make finding the resources you need difficult, as traveling long distances without markers to help you return home can often mean your death (and subsequent loss of items) before you find it. See my previous hint about visible land-markers – but that makes traveling slow and laborious.

  12. survivalcraftlover Avatar

    how do u make an elevator,i see on youtube that
    they can make elevators

    1. courtney Avatar

      Add cell doors up to very high, put wires on them, and connect all wires to a button. Then, step on the first cell doors and press to button. It should propell you up.

    2. ShadoW Avatar

      Download worlds that says test world more then one is going to be a elevator

  13. BlackXanthus Avatar

    As far as I can work out, Elevators are no-longer possible in Survival-craft. You were able to make them by exploiting a bug in the water block, but that has since been fixed. Survivalcraft is currently without elevators, but you can get stairs fairly easily. As far as I can work out, there will be more electronics which will include the ability to make (presumably) elevators, but as of version 1.22, that is not currently available.


    1. Millie Avatar

      Well have you seen the knew version rhinos and lions and orca’s it’s sooo cool get the upgrade please

  14. Millie Avatar

    How do you use a whistle?? Please tell me I am a trainer on the survival craft club and I have designed blocks and mansions and I have asked other designers but they are not replying on the club email

    1. BlackXanthus Avatar

      The whistle (once made) is used by tapping the screen, in the same way you would use a sword, an axe, or even to dig.

      Hope that helps,


  15. me Avatar

    can you rechare your horse’s heath and if so how? please reply fast thanks

    1. Millie Avatar

      You pre xl to c h to half

  16. Daguy Avatar

    Well, I play both and I can definitely say, Survival craft is somewhat less eventful among the animals/mobs compared to Minecraft.
    The main reason is that they are all pretty much the same (excluding out ward appearances) there are no ranged A.I no different and diverse attacking methods. Like the Minecraft Creepers, Skeletons, Zombies, ect.. all of them have different attacking styles, and strong/weak points. This does not greatly appear in any animal in Survival craft at the moment.

  17. shelby Avatar

    Can you play multiplayer

  18. Dangkhoachocon Avatar

    It will be nice if you can make a big ship which can be controlled and have storage. Ship with storage is sweet because we can mine somewhere far away, then load on and go home

  19. abcmckay Avatar

    I tend to build everything on creative mode and then change to challenging mode. much more fun mainly because I had a pack of wolves in my house and as soon as I killed one more would come in. Diamond machete 3 hits kills a wolf.

  20. Abigail Avatar

    I need to ask a question that might sound a little stupid… But how do you make fertilizer for soil in Survivalcraft? Thanks to anyone who answers:)

  21. anonymus Avatar

    i’ve seen some people make elevators on the version 1.2.2 and I wonder ow do they do it (btw: how do i use logic not gate,logic and gate,etc)

  22. Grace Avatar

    what do you do if you wander off and lost your house and you slept so the compass doesn’t work? please reply quick!!

    1. Grace Avatar

      and can’t find your house!

    2. lacy Avatar

      Go on creative mode ( go on your map screen to see all your maps. Then click on your map you won’t to edit. Then click modify and go in and modify you map to creative. ) go back to your game now and fly around to see your house better. This way is faster and safer. When you fined your house put a magnet in it and a campus in a chest. Then change modes and grab the campus. Then you can travel. When ever you sleep you will still go to the magnet. Hope this helps! ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. My all time favorite game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Avatar
    My all time favorite game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    First off I love this game secondly can you replenish a horses health also how do you use devices please answer other than that it’s the most amazing game ever. At first I thought it would be some lame spin off of minecraft but it’s much much better than minecraft if you haven’t already gotten this game I definitely recommend it. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. erin Avatar

      You feed the horse by throwing a flower out of your inventory or by destroying a flower and not picking it up. The horse will then eat it.

  24. hannah Avatar

    New ideas? I’ve tried making a lava trap. burnt a city i worked on for a month inow hate lava and water.

  25. Jacy Avatar

    I think in the next update they should have orca eggs and animals should breed i have version and o i cant find any guides. To it on stuff like what every block s or douse or how to find it CAN ANYONE HELP ME PLEASEE

    1. jordan Avatar

      look on the official wikipedia site.(yes they do have one)

  26. Skylar Avatar

    how do you make stairs I saw a friend with stairs and I really want them
    my house is HUGE and I want to make a second floor

  27. Marylin Avatar

    And oof course, there is a need for yyou to be consistent woth that.
    Most of us envy the beahtiful skin of models in ads and commercials.
    Befoe you go to sleep, apply it on areas with acne.

  28. Amy Avatar

    I love survivalcraft and it is so addictive! I have just downloaded the newest version of it, and it is the best so far! Apparently there is meant to be white leopards or white tigers or whatever. I play alot and haven’t seen any of them? Am I being stupid or what?

    1. jordan Avatar

      yes, there are those animals but they are extrely rare.and you dont want to see them when they try to kill you!ouch!

  29. jordan Avatar

    i love this game.on mine i have a bedroom,loungeroom, indoor pool,kitchen,laundry,study,balcony,diningroom, loo,and an enclosure for my pet bull, wolf,cow, and two deer.

  30. jordan Avatar

    where do you find horses?? seriously! i just cant find one!!

    1. Ccmeepo Avatar

      HOW DO YOU SET FIRE TO THINGS? I can’t find any fire tool or anything

      1. C.J Sibert Avatar
        C.J Sibert

        If you look in creative inventory and find something that looks like a stick with red on the end touch tall grass and and wood leaves animals etc with it tell catch on fire

    2. C.J Sibert Avatar
      C.J Sibert

      Large plains/savannahs bay chestnut and black horses are common white horses are uncommon bash color are rare the less stub urn the horse the rarer
      donkeys are in forest and jungles and camels are in desert zebras can’t be saddled ๐Ÿ™

  31. nick stone Avatar
    nick stone

    HELP!! Can I tame wolves I can’t update my game and what are some good seeds I’m dying here

    1. C.J Sibert Avatar
      C.J Sibert

      To tame a wolf stand on its back on a full moon and if your it’s head has a werewolf stay there all night and to update look for the apk for newest version

  32. kim Avatar

    Please tell me how I can get water out of my house?

  33. kim Avatar

    Please tell me how I can get water out of my house?
    I don’t want to break a wall and have the water rush out and break my trees either.
    please help

  34. kim Avatar

    Please tell me how I can get water out of my house?
    I don’t want to break a wall and have the water rush out and break my trees either.
    please help me
    my son is soooo upset!

  35. kim weiland Avatar

    Please tell me how I can get water out of my house?
    I don’t want to break a wall and have the water rush out and break my trees either.
    please help
    thank you

  36. Kit Avatar

    Have, like you, fallen for this game.
    1. My compass bugs and spins like a broken top so of course I am lost…
    Any one know why, is it do to metals and ores near by??? Or the B Triangle.??? Or the equator???
    2. How long does it take to fly around the world??? Hours, days, weeks???
    Thanks, if you can help, for posting info.

  37. C.J Sibert Avatar
    C.J Sibert

    I figured how to tame a rhino

    hit it with a diamond machette until it runs and punch it with NO items 6 times wait till it stops running and it’s tamed

  38. Tsreeves10 Avatar

    i killed the rhino D: also how do i know the wolf is tamed

  39. Tsreeves10 Avatar

    i got version 1.24 of survivalcraft demo

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